Wednesday, 28 August 2013

August at the Art House

August at the Art House in the Field

SEE what's been happening and JOIN what's coming up!

Art engagement at the Music Fest 2013 in Slocan Park

Chum Community Notice Board

Art House in the Field and Still Moon Arts, with support from local artist Suzo Hickey having been awarded a Neighbourhood Grant that is supporting the design, material costs, and installation of the Chum Community Notice Board.  The installation will go on the very bare East Wall of the Art House. Beautifully painted by Suzo, the board was decorated collaboratively with over 50 people on August 16th with salvaged and bought decorative elements at the Music Fest 2013.  Music Fest 2013 at Slocan Park was aa community event organized by youth volunteers at Renfrew Community Cetnre and Thunderbird Community Centre.  The event was a huge success!

The Chum Community Notice Board will be approximately 5'x3' in length. This project will be an effective way of letting people know what is happening in their neighbourhood. Announcements of art shows, festivals, park events, creative opportunities and workshops in the community, and art & music events at Art House in the Field and the Field Hall. It will be very well situated with hundreds of people walking past it everyday to and from the Skytrain station at 29th Ave. It will provide another avenue for community groups, artists, musicians, etc. to get the word out to a wide audience about shows, events, happenings. The notice board will be managed by Art House in the Field resident artists at Slocan Park. Messages can be put through the mail slot and the artists will place the messages on the board. They will also be responsible for removing outdated messages.

Also See: Works of Suzo Hickey
and: Still Moon Arts Society Website

Light Up the Night

Renfrew Collingwood Mulit-cultural Artist Network (RCMAN) presents: Light Up the Night: A Lantern Making Project is funded by neighbourhood small grants and will engage residents of the Renfrew-Collingwood neighbourhood in a fun arts and crafts engagement project. Participants of all ages are welcomed to come to AHRF and make a lantern for them to take home.

Aug 29th 3:30pm - 5pm (FREE) Drop in Lantern Making Workshop!

Also, every week day in Sept, RCMAN will be 4pm - 8pm, there will be lantern making in preparation for the Renfrew Ravine 11th Annual Moon Festival. Please stay tuned for details!

Indigenous Artists United

Aboriginal artists and community worker, Jolene Andrew, engaged community members to visit symbolisms across First Nations cultures, and collaboratively designed a community banner to be used at local events.  Amongst the weaving and the painting, the group has created a mask lantern that is inlaid with shapes made by participants, all the shapes resemble the 5 shapes used in west coast design, the U, L, S, crescent and ovoid. Any level artist can collaborate together and be as creative as they want with as little or as much detail as they want.  At the Art House in the Field the Indigenous Artists United meet Fridays from 1pm - 3pm.  The drop in art on Friday's can be self guided or participants can pick up and finish collaboration art banner and mask lantern in the weeks to come.  Banner and Mask will be on display in september at a community event - the Renfrew Ravine Moon Festival by Still Moon Arts Society.

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