Monday, 19 May 2014

"Sometimes I Can and Sometimes I Can't

"Sometimes I Can and Sometimes I Can't" was hosted by Kickstart at the Art House in the Field on May 7, it was an exciting event, with a packed house, and lots of stimulating discussion.

Persimmon Blackbridge, Cat l'Hirondelle , and Geoff McMurchy talked about their art practices, and how they work within the limitations of their disabilities. Within this, their experiences range from working with assistants, to paying for the tasks they cannot accomplish themselves.

“You do what you can, and sometimes you can't. But that's what art is about – taking a set of limitations and making something strange and wonderful from it." - Persimmon Blackbridge
‘Who gets credit for which aspects of the art?” was something the audience was asked to consider. How do you make art when you are fatigued? How do you schedule your practice? How do you communicate your ideas? "Round but straight", an instruction Cat once gave one of her assistants, is an excellent example of how difficult it is to communicate artistic ideas.

"Nothing about us without us" was a discussion topic, as was the bugbear of disability art — "inspirational porn", as one member of the audience put it. This refers to disability art that emphasizes the possibly inspirational, rather than the expression of the disability experience.
Artist and activist Bernadine Fox facilitated the wide ranging discussion, and we obviously need to meet and talk about these issues again!

Kickstart’s next event is June 4th: A night of music with sylvi macCormac and the Horizon.
2750 East 29th Avenue @ 7:30pm

Visit to learn more about Kickstart Disability Arts & Culture

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